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Ahri Vs Zed The Ultimate Counter Build Guide



Ahri vs. Zed: The Ultimate Counter Build Guide

Understanding the Matchup

The matchup between Ahri and Zed is a classic League of Legends rivalry. Ahri's mobility and burst damage make her a formidable opponent for Zed, but Zed's assassin potential can be devastating if he catches Ahri out of position.

Ahri's Strengths against Zed

* High mobility with her Orb of Deception and Spirit Rush * High burst damage with her Essence Theft and Fox-Fire * Strong early game presence

Zed's Strengths against Ahri

* High mobility with his Shadow Dash and Death Mark * Powerful single-target burst damage with his Razor Shuriken and Death Mark * Good gap closer with his Shadow Dash

The Counter Build: Ahri with Electrocute

The key to defeating Zed as Ahri is to play aggressively in the early game and build a lead. This counter build focuses on maximizing Ahri's early game strength and bursting down Zed before he can get his full combo off.


* Electrocute: This keystone rune provides bonus damage on your next ability after landing three separate attacks. This is ideal for Ahri's burst combo. * Taste of Blood: This rune heals Ahri for a small amount of damage after using an ability on an enemy. This can help her sustain in the early game. * Eyeball Collection: This rune stacks every time Ahri kills an enemy, granting her bonus adaptive damage. This can snowball her advantage into later stages of the game.

Summoner Spells

* Flash: This summoner spell is essential for Ahri's mobility and escape potential. * Ignite: This summoner spell can help Ahri secure early kills and burst down Zed quickly.

Item Build

* Doran's Ring: This starting item provides Ahri with mana regeneration and ability power. * Sorcerer's Shoes: These boots increase Ahri's magic penetration, making her burst damage even more potent. * Luden's Tempest: This item grants Ahri bonus magic damage on her abilities and provides her with a burst of movement speed after casting. * Morellonomicon: This item reduces Zed's healing, making it easier for Ahri to burst him down. * Zhonya's Hourglass: This item gives Ahri a stasis effect, allowing her to dodge Zed's Death Mark.

Gameplay Tips

* Play aggressively in the early game and try to poke Zed with your Orb of Deception. * Use your Spirit Rush to dodge Zed's Shadow Dash. * Burst down Zed before he can get his full combo off with your Essence Theft + Fox-Fire combo. * Be aware of Zed's level 6 power spike and play more cautiously. * Ward the jungle and river to avoid being ganked by Zed.


By following the counter build and gameplay tips outlined in this guide, Ahri players can significantly increase their chances of defeating Zed in the mid lane. By maximizing her early game strength and building a lead, Ahri can snowball her advantage and burst down Zed before he becomes a threat.
